The APA 9-Ball Doubles Championship   The APA Jack and Jill Championship   The APA 8-Ball Doubles Championship
   Cape Fear APA also Qualifies Doubles Teams for
       the National Championships in Las Vegas
n 8-Ball,  both Jack & Jill and Open Teams
       Tournments are held, in 9-Ball only Open 
      Tournaments are held   

   Through out the League Year qualifing tournaments 
      are held for all 
3 doubles catogeries.

   The entry fee is $20.00 per team. The entry fees from
    all qualifing tournaments are
divided amoung winning 
      teams in that catagorey


2012: Tournament Travel Funds

           Jack & Jill Doubles     2 Teams        $1050.00 each

           Open 8-Ball Doubles   2 Teams        $1600.00 each

           Open 9-Ball Doubles   2 Teams        $800.00 each


On the links below you can review
The Rules,
Must Win Chart, and
Current Status of Qualified Members.

Jack & Jill Rules         Must Win Chart         Current Status 

8-Ball Doubles            Must Win Chart          Current Status

9-Ball Rules                 Must Win Chart         Current Status